
Coming soon …

  1. Hi Guys,

    Hope you can help with regard to the “XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress 3.2.6”

    i had Enable the “Enable manual sitemap building via GET Request” but in my hosting cron job section …i dont know what to do as nothing works.

    do you have an example of what should be written in the cron?

    this is what i have so far

    */5 * * * * http://news.insiderater.com/?sm_command=build&sm_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Edit Delete

    hope to hear from you soon

  2. Dear,
    My name is Borisa Djuraskovic. I am working at Web Hosting Hub supporting center.
    I found your Google XML Sitemaps v3 for qTranslate at http://blog.slo-host.com/ very interesting and I would like to translate it to my native Serbo-Croatian language.

    Would you mind if I do so?

    I am looking forward to hear from you,
    Borisa Djuraskovic

    • Hi. Sorry for this late response. I suggest you use the original plugin if you do not need qTranslate support – wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/ – my plugin is only a fork.
      And I have noting against if you make a translation into Serbian, Croatian or some combination of the two. 🙂

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