This is another post (first post) about qTranslate performance optimization. This plugin really slows down the blog I’m administrating, so it keeps taunting me to optimize it’s execution. The already optimized (translation of options disabled) plugin adds about 150ms to rendering time. This enhancement saves about 60ms.
Webgrind analysis, before I made the changes, looks like this:
The changed “function qtrans_use” has some extra code added. The idea is, not to call recursions, when it’s not needed:
function qtrans_use($lang, $text, $show_available=false) { $split_regex = "#(|\[:[a-z]{2}\])#ism"; if (is_string($text)) { if (!preg_match($split_regex, $text)) { return $text; } } global $q_config; // return full string if language is not enabled if(!qtrans_isEnabled($lang)) return $text; if(is_array($text)) { // handle arrays recursively foreach($text as $key => $t) { $transNeeded = true; if (is_string($t)) { if (!preg_match($split_regex, $t)) { $transNeeded = false; } } if ($transNeeded) { $text[$key] = qtrans_use($lang,$t,$show_available); } } return $text; } if(is_object($text)||@get_class($text) == '__PHP_Incomplete_Class') { foreach(get_object_vars($text) as $key => $t) { $transNeeded = true; if (is_string($t)) { if (!preg_match($split_regex, $t)) { $transNeeded = false; } } if ($transNeeded) { $text->$key = qtrans_use($lang,$t,$show_available); } } return $text; } ...
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